Friday, June 24, 2011

Abroad sees acquittal Wilders as final end Dutch tolerance

Note: Tanslated with Bing Translater! Lack of time to check it all out. But it gives a good idea! I took this from an article in a Dutch news paper and got written permission to use it in this translated form, without mentioning the sourse. :) Thanks! I think that the message should be out that not only DMcL was flabergasted.

Party leader Geert Wilders and his lawyer Bram Moszkowicz. Photo A

Netherlands was his image as a tolerant country a while lost. But with the acquittal of party leader Geert Wilders it's now factually, according foreign newspapers.

Thus, the comments of the Dutch comments on the outcome of the ' haatzaaiproces '. The mild Dutch response strengthens the foreign press in their belief that indigenous Dutch people are tired of the multicultural society.

BBC, Lauren Comiteau: "it seems that with the acquittal Wilders ' radical views have become more mainstream. This in a country that for decades was regarded as one of the world's most liberal and tolerant nations. "

Le Monde, Jean-Pierre Stroobants: "this process, characterised by the press as the most important of this century, is clearly a turning point in the history of the Kingdom. In twenty years time the country has exchanged its tolerance for extreme distrust of ' foreigners ' in General. "

Der Spiegel: "the acquittal of Wilders fits in well with the tighter integration policy of the Dutch Government. Recently, it was decided that migrants – in particular those of other religions and cultures – without State aid must integrate. The course they must pay out of pocket. Who fails, loses his residence permit. Integration In the new directive is permanently abandoned the multicultural society. "

National Post (Canada) Kreijger, Gilbert: "the ruling may encourage Wilders to continue. He got all for each other that the Government reduce immigration and a ban on face veils. Immigration and development assistance are under discussion in Netherlands. One is concerned about the deteriorating economic climate, the high unemployment, high crime rates among immigrants and the poor integration. Similar concerns have elsewhere in Europe led to the emergence of extreme right-wing parties. "

La Repubblica (Italy), Andrea Tarquini: "Wilders ' acquittal is a sensational judicial and political victory of the radical right in Europe. The ruling divides Netherlands, Europe and the world. Wilders spoke of a victory for freedom of expression, but the lawyers of Muslims go to the European Court. The Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo speaks of a ' dangerous ' decision that the relations between Muslims and Christians. According to recent polls, three-quarters of Dutch voters behind the hard line on integration. "

Associated Press, Toby Sterling: "while the us the right to freedom of expression laid down in the Constitution, many European countries introduced anti-hate-provided in the aftermath of the second world war. This to prevent minorities would be again a scapegoat. (..) Now find the positions of Wilders however much resonance among Dutch voters. They believe that their culture is being eroded by migrants who do not share their values. "

Financial Times, Matt Steinglass: "Wilders is with his bleached blondes dripping hair and inflammatory rhetoric the face of the antipathy towards Muslims and migrants. This role brought his party to third place in the last elections. The persecution he put away as a politically correct violation of free speech. Like the populist politician Pim Fortuyn Wilders the secular values against Muslims. And just like the tv personality Theo van Gogh, killed by a Muslim extremist in 2005, he led the anti-islam-rhetoric to the limits of good taste. "

The Economist: "Wilders ' relief was shared in the entire political spectrum. Sixty percent of the Dutch hoped for acquittal. Wilders ' populist ideas have found their way to the political middle. The Dutch now have strict immigration rules, a renewed conception of public order (hence the curtailment of coffeeshop-customers to mere people with Dutch nationality) and a dislike of what some leftist hobbies call – ranging from development aid to culture grant. "
-----------------END OF translated article ---------

Daniel McLion: apart from the whole puppet-show-process -that I almost integral live on tv have followed-I was stunned about the Dutch comments. But yes, I know, I am NOT a CHEESEHEAD!

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