Friday, April 30, 2010

Queen Beatrix's day: Singing and dancing in the rain.

Koninginnedag, Queen's day. I used H.M.'s name in the title to make clear that it's not a gay pride or queer's day. It used to be the celebration of the queen's birthday (the late queen Juliana) but since queen Beatrix birthday is in January, she decided to keep it on April 30.
The whole country turns into an orange and red-white-blue carnaval. (The royal dynasty of Orange and the Dutch flag.) Everywhere garage sales and street markets ar held and it's the day all breweries have empty warehouses. The country is one big party! Some eldery people still have an Orange Bitter to toast with but beer is flowing continuously. Every cafe has a mobile draft outdoor. The music cacaphony enhances the mood! But the whole royal familly goes to visit a village and a neerby town. Wanna see wooden shoes? This is the day! There are still a few villages where - less and less by the year - some older people do wear traditional clotes every day, but it's the day that all still existing costumes were taken down from the attic. And of course, what do you do in those clothes? So all traditional, folkloristic - often very local - things are brushed up too!

Last year, near the end of the royal visit to Apeldoorn, a young man drove his car full speed throug the waiving and chearing people, killing 7 and himself crashing into a monument just meters away of the royal cauch. It was live on tv and within an hour or two, all celebrations and parties were cancelled. Was this the end of Queen's day? No, of course not. But it was clear that security would be raised to a real high level. Road blocks, car free streets, body guards, c.c. camera surveillance, uniformed police every 20 m. ... a very un-dutch situation. Nevertheless, all costumes and wooden shoes and antiques were bright and shining as every year. All the children choires, brass and other bands ready for the arrival of the royal familly... when for the first time in years, the rain was pooring down. But! With or without umbrellas, none would spoil the party, not even the weather gods! We had already some tunderstorms during the night and thus, we had "Singing and dancin' in the rain!" for the first half of the day... and the beer is flowing as usual again. The real Dutch spirit! ;) So let me finish this, find some orange things and on to the eldery home to have my yearly glass of Orange Bitter! :) I will reply to this later today with links to the newsflahes If you like to see wooden shoes, Belgian Breed horse riding (without sadle) and some Zeeland's traditional costumes or just the parties.

here is the first one:

Thursday, April 29, 2010

TADAAAH!!!! YES! The Showdown on Wall Street is about to begin. AFL-CIO's Rich Trumka, NPA's George Goehl, NAACP's Ben Jealous, and MoveOn's Ilyse Hogue are leading the march.


There is a lot to say about the way Greece managed their deficits. Actually… exactly the same way Banks all over the world did last decade. Unfortunately for ALL of us, the crisis in Greece – as well in the USA and elsewhere - was NOT due to a so called spending or to big socialist LEFT government! It’s a real tragedy that Greece and the new LEFT government is now totally dependent of the `willingness` of a RIGHT German Kanzler who was so good friends with the RIGHT Greek government who caused the damned problem!

I have never supported the German ROTER ARMEE FRAKTION with their terror actions, but I did and do agree with the analysis of the problems in the early 70´s! And now we get the same thing. L´Histoire se répete! I really hope that we won’t get a 3rd generation of RAF or other extremist movement but I wouldn’t be surprised if we get it! It’s not Greece or Spain or Portugal who is threatening stability and internal peace! It’s Frau Kanzler Angela Merkel who is threatening EURO stability and THUS half the world’s economy! I knew she was short sighted like most European PM’s thinking that spending billions to save the banks in own country will help “the OWN people”. Without European help Greece will likely go down. And bet you, with Greece the whole Euro zone will start to collapse!

So…. Herman van Rompuy, are you PRESIDENT? Wake up! Show it! Have the guts’ to let Frau Merkel shut up and show that WE Europeans want to look farther than our local elections and local Banks. Show that SOLIDARITY is more than just `entre nous` talk!

Look who’s talking…. Well at least someone who never had and never will have to say: `Das haben wir nicht gewust…”!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Antwaarpse histores.

In zak en as.

Ocharme, is de Jef nog mor een bitje bekome van die Icesafe katastroof, of hij eit'et weral zitte! Da zen toch nogal is lappen zenne. Na zat em eindelak is oep een goei waae, docht em, schijnt die Griekse Helena allemol kammelot oem heuren tout-en-tiere te hemme. C’est, g’hebt altijd van die toegzijkers die denken da ze bloemekes veur niet kunne plukke en van die stoeffers die denke dat ze nen gaawe emme, mor de Jef is toch nen echten sukkelaer. Ei’t em ni de zak gekregen, dan ei’t em een kat in de zak gekocht. Iest mè Ijsland dan mè die schoene Helena. Joamor, serieus, g’ebt van die gaste die echte chansaars zen en g’ebt er die veur niks altijd klop oep hun bakkes krijgen. Awel da’s de Jef dus. As joenk manneke wier em altijd al geambeteerd met vrage gelak: Amaai, is da a ma, die madam mè dien tetagère? Ge zult er mor me zitte, mè zoen moe. En onder ons gezegt en gezwege… da was wel nen bussel wor da ge ni neffens kost zien zenne. En dan droeg ze oek nog kliejkes die nogal nippekes waren en tegen de groei liep em altijd een jorreke of twie met een kostummeke da nogal reaal was. Mor enfin, da\s alwer laank geleje…. Tiens, wa wou’k na eigenlak wer vertelle? ‘k Zen iniens van menen apropo af. In zak en as? A ja, awel dan: na de cremenatie van moe mè de dikke tette eij’t em de asse in zoen urn oep de schaa gezet. Komt da Grieks bieke bai em en die begint direct te zieveren da ze gien goestig kreeg as moe der baaj stoeng. En derbaai, da bracht ongeluk, zo’n urn, zei ze. Ze zei zo: As die asse ier blaaive, koom ik ni van mijne velo! Da zal wel een Grieks gezegde zijn mor gébt er gien tiekeningeske ba noeideg oem te verstaan wa ze der mè bedoelde. Bon, dan must moe mor efkes nor de kelder. Bang oem die urn ni te laten vallen houd em ze goe me twie handen vast en kost em ni on’t knoppeke van’t kelderlicht kome en got en in den doenkere oep zen eskimo sloeffe den trap af. Voelde ’t al? Ja, ja. Ha docht dattem al beneje was en doet nen stap verooit, den dieperik in. Hij probeert nog de vliegende urn te vangen, loept mè zennen appel tege het schap van de doezekes Marie Tumas da gelijk in’t honderd vloog en lap zeg, die urn in gruzelementen tegen den plaffon, hij tusse de patatte en de ajuinen, krijgt nog een does tommat oep zen gevreet en hij zag de stare, diezeke en moe tet letterlak in’t rond vliegen. Toen em wer bij zeneigest kwam, lag em tusse de zak patate en den zak mè ajuin, onder de asse. En wa denkte da da grieks poepeke zeit? Ziede wel, dat brengt ongeluk zoen urn in a kot! en ze was ribbedebie!

Ah, gulle docht da’k die vulkaan asse uit IJsland bedoelde? Nee, veur wa dan?

’t Is allemaal Da ni!

NOTHING IS REAL! (pre-lude) ;)

It's nice to have friends on Yahoo or somewhere else who wanna chat with you. I have a few who are almost stalking me. But I love it! Boys in their twenties - straight boys - calling me up all day long as soon as I am on line. :) Today I was almost having a writers block on my "Nothing is real" blog when I suddenly got a "Booooo". :) I was really verrrrry concentrated but got stuck until I got that friendly "booooo". So I had to explain what "Jo napot! Goeie dag zeg!" means. FYI: Jo napot. and Goeie dag. are Hungarian and Dutch for Good day. But with the exclamation marks and "zeg!!!" added it means: I'll be damned!
Of course: gone concentration and also gone blogger-block. But after that long chat I had to leave to have my daily drinks and socializing at the elderly appartments before going to Utrecht to attend Rossini's La Cenerentola again. Actually... to see and hear Trisdee Na Patalung conducting again, 2 weeks after the opening night. And what a delight it was!
Confused? Well.. I just only wrote what happened today with me. Nothing controversial. ;) I was just only distracted in a nice way, preventing me to finish a not so pleasant bit of blog.
eh..... THIS IS REAL! ;)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I am so angry to al those "polish" tearjurkers around the world.
Say it's 1935, Adolf is now 2 years Reichs Kanzler, a Junker crashes with DER FÜHRER and GÖebles and.... So what do we do: we write "What a tragedy, condolences for all the German people!" ???? AND FOR SURE : All the nations would have done. Except for a few Jews and other minorities like DMcL who would said: EXCUSE ME!!!!
YES!!! I would ! Just like I am saying now: LET THE BASTARD ROT !!! If there is a GOD... his desision was right! Thank you GOD!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I am really amazed by the mass hysteria around the death of the polish president Kaczynski. Even in Toronto and Montreal . Polish Canadians who likely have no clue about the man almost in tears? Yes, that was on Canadian news on TV5 MONDE. Herman van Rompuy (European President) praised the late president and of course, called it a great loss for Poland. What else would you expect? Well.... IN MY OPINION the polish gays and lesbians are freed of an explicit homophobic asshole who supported "the good polish people" who attack and beat up gays in poland. Great loss????? Thank God!

Jo napot! Goeie dag zeg! The Hungarian fascists got some 17% in the parliamentary elections. After Vlaams Belang (B) and more or less the french Front Nationale another substantial fascistoid force in Europe. Of course, nothing new. There are even real fascisti in Italy. And according to the polls, the Netherlands will add another 20% of fascistoid voters. to the european stats after the elections on June 9. Sure, all those parties are so verry differend.... :( Vlaams Belang and PVV (NL) have nothing against Jews and Gypsies like the Hungarians... as long as they are kept in Hungary of course.
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