Thursday, April 29, 2010


There is a lot to say about the way Greece managed their deficits. Actually… exactly the same way Banks all over the world did last decade. Unfortunately for ALL of us, the crisis in Greece – as well in the USA and elsewhere - was NOT due to a so called spending or to big socialist LEFT government! It’s a real tragedy that Greece and the new LEFT government is now totally dependent of the `willingness` of a RIGHT German Kanzler who was so good friends with the RIGHT Greek government who caused the damned problem!

I have never supported the German ROTER ARMEE FRAKTION with their terror actions, but I did and do agree with the analysis of the problems in the early 70´s! And now we get the same thing. L´Histoire se répete! I really hope that we won’t get a 3rd generation of RAF or other extremist movement but I wouldn’t be surprised if we get it! It’s not Greece or Spain or Portugal who is threatening stability and internal peace! It’s Frau Kanzler Angela Merkel who is threatening EURO stability and THUS half the world’s economy! I knew she was short sighted like most European PM’s thinking that spending billions to save the banks in own country will help “the OWN people”. Without European help Greece will likely go down. And bet you, with Greece the whole Euro zone will start to collapse!

So…. Herman van Rompuy, are you PRESIDENT? Wake up! Show it! Have the guts’ to let Frau Merkel shut up and show that WE Europeans want to look farther than our local elections and local Banks. Show that SOLIDARITY is more than just `entre nous` talk!

Look who’s talking…. Well at least someone who never had and never will have to say: `Das haben wir nicht gewust…”!!!

1 comment:

  1. Just to make sure: I have nothing against mrs Angela Merkel personally and for sure nothing against Herman van Rompuy! My anger is feeded by the fact that last decade Banks were playing or acting like a Santa Claus! Give the kids a Coke and they say thank you Santa. But Santa DOES NOT EXIST! It's an old, pre WW2 marketing tool from the Coca Cola Comp!
    Poltitians and PM's or Presidents from the last decade have been acting as Santa Claus's rendeer. But in the worst way. NOW, or actually last 3 years the successors have been buying Banks - with taxpayers money!!!! - to save the worst kapitalists, people who were making millions a year... saying they were Santa Claus giving a Coke away "for free".
    Sure, Greece should not have been pulling Santa's sleigh. But should the Greeks, the people from Iceland ... now have to suffer for the Santa Clauses??? And do "we"really think that it's not OUR problem ? Again like 90 years ago?
