Saturday, September 1, 2018

What’s on the menu? Insects, dog, pig, cicken... milk? what don’t you do.

DO Watch the video first! 
After hundreds of reactions 🙄 there was one “why is she eating insects with chickens everywhere and don’t they have KFC? “ one reply was: 
my reply 
>> Michelle Jones:   not really true. They eat chicken too. But... Like in neighboring China: dogs are worthless and taste really great they say, while chickens are pounding eggs, thus very worth full... until they stop pounding after 2-3 years of course. Then it’s 👨‍🍳
Cocks are also worthless and after 6-8 weeks: good for soup. 👨‍🍳.  

We over here in the Western world select billions of 1 day chickens everyday and the cocks are disposed in a shredder for cat and other animal foods, even for our chicken stock!  (quick, thus humanitarian  death 🤔 in a way they’re IMO actually better off than the chickens kept 1 year for eggs or 6 weeks for KFC or McD or... or your local supermarket/store)  Just like your bacon source, the pigs,  and even worse: the dairy industry!  likely the 
biggest and  best hidden secret, none except a few like me knows off! No, I’m not a vegan!  But 😔 we all should be actually. 
All with all: eating crickets 🦗 is a bomb of protein and really, they are a pest, destroying tons and tons of crops in no time. 

Last but not least: i really hate videos of eating people. I find those vids with crunching and  smacking mouths disgusting.  But who am I ? 🙃  I once stumbled on a youtube “Eating in Bangkok” #57: at Sukumvit? Interesting, I lived there. 🙂 Video: 1 min telling what he is ordering, 4 minutes of smacking selfy video. ? 😬 😣 “Thankus for watching, tomorrow I’ll be at Lumpini.” Ah? Great. 😎 !  But: 😱1 minute of ordering and 4 minutes of selfish close ups selfy of his smacking mouth 🤢 again??? 😳 All videos have over 200.000 views?😳  🤔... with all the clicks... he is living a good life with his ... horrible smacking mouth. 
☝️ it’s al a matter of taste, culture and fetishism.  Arabs hate dogs and porks, but love their sheep/goats... to have their throat slitted at Eik ...  We (non Semitics) love bacon, sausage, tenderloin,... but actually hate (or don’t care about) pigs, just the meat as if it’s falling out of the blue sky. 

So, unless you’re vegan, don’t criticize or damm people because they are eating some animals or insects YOU wouldn’t eat!  🙂🙃😇  

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