Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Trump - Reagan, back to Middle Ages?

The 2nd term election of Ronald "aren't we better off" Reagan (1984) was a nightmare for me! 

   We were in San Francisco, Classic Suits on McAlisterstreet during the GOP convention. And while trough open windows the street was filled with the sound and echoes of hundreds of TVs (including ours) answering endlessly on "Aren't we better off?" : "FOUR MORE YEARS, an unknown young man died of AIDS, been stripped of shoes and clothes by fellow homeless young men sharing the portal of the adjacent abandoned building. I called 911! "What's the address? Oh, are you SURE he's dead; did you felt no pulse?" No, I wasn't "FOR" SURE when I called 911. But I was sure that those guys wouldnt strip him of all clothes (except a dead mans -urinated and pooped - boxers) if he wasn't dead. 
      Just when I did check his pulse (clearly zero),  an employee of around the corner McDonalds arrived with a tray of bags with burgers, fries, salads "over due".  Ok, I was shocked due to the death young man but she was hysterically in shock, screaming like hell.  I closed de young mans "broken" eyes when a police car arrived and due to the screaming girl - I guess, I was ordered "Don't move, put your hands in the air!!!" and then been searched, for weapons? After my answer : "I called 911, and came down to verify if he was dead, and closed his eyes", the police "relaxed" after verifying 911 and my address. Then they asked me to come out of that -really stinking- porch-portal. Police officer flabbergasted: "Closing his eyes??? Did you touch him??? That guy had AIDS!!!" And while the girl - still in shock - was accompanied back to McDonalds bij a police officer, the street was again filled with none in life, but the echoes : "Four more years! Four more years! ..........." 
    Later, back in Amsterdam, I found out that Ronald Reagan closed down almost every "state/federal funded" clinics/hospitals for psyachatry and, unbelievable, for AIDS patients. Except of course the private clinics for the happy few.   Trump will reverse "Obama-Care"????

P.S. : 1. I'm not a daily fast food customer. 2. From all fast foods I like McDonalds most. 3. The McDonalds Amsterdam Medical Centre hotel for parents of children made me extra fan of McDonalds. 

But the fact that McDonalds (San Francisco, 7th street? Between Market and McAlister) didn't throw away any "over due" hamburgers etc in the dust bin but DID sent out an employee to serve those homeless and those -homeless AIDS patients, made me Loving McDonalds!  Maybe it was just the franchisers policy? Anyway, 3-4 days later I went to have two Big Macs and fries.  I got much more I ordered? "Ehm... I didn't order that. :/"  It was all "from the house!" ???  "Thank you.:) !  Next please! :)

Thus: Four years of Trump??? Please, please, NO WAY!!  Not just 4 USA, 4 the WORLD! 

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