Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Judging Egyptian (and Syrian) situation?

Who Am I !  ? 
But who the f#ck are Obama, Merkel, and all others condemning Egypt  ... .??? 
Based on WHAT info are they speaking those harsh words??? Did they watched all incoming broadcasts like I did? For sure: NOT!  They have other daily business to do. I'm different!

I have watched from 10:20 17:00 and from 21:00 til 02:00 the unfolding events in Cairo and other Egyptian cities and places *non-stop*!!!   Nope i didnt had some channen in the background while hovering the carpets! On my large screen TV on top of of my old TV I watched Al-Jazeera, under that - switching between CNN and BBC-world - and next to me in bed: Euronews, Euronews non comment on my IPad with e-mail and other 

Yes, I am disabled and thus more ore less * clustered *  in bed with TV .  But my vision, hearing and brains do work!  B8-)

So what happened (according to the above Live News Channels including incoming still/live pics from AP, Reuters, AFP and other "reliable" news agencies) in those first 6-12 hours?

Around 10:30 a bulldozer crashed trough the first defensive (?) wall of bricks. (Has been repeated 100x everywhere).  Then the bulldozer went on to the second wall. For sure for real: a jung man with a garbage bag in front of his face rushed up the second wall, armed with a huge assault weapon (AK42?) and shot the bulldozer driver!!! That was live on TV!!! The bulldozer drove backwards (also seen those pics and footage until there some 100x on ALL TV channels )But, never seen anymore: ... and then the driver fell out of the vehicle, ( very heavy wounded if not dead) . THOSE PICS were never repeated: -> The driver was tried to be rescued by 3-4 men and those men were all shot. Then the black clouted men (police/security/... Forces) opened fire!  That was likely back-fire to cover the rescue of those 4-5 men.  Not the guy with the garbage bag - who got in cover behind the 2nd brick wall - but some dozen men jumping over the second wall got into the fire of the "black men"  who already shot some tear gas towards the "assaulters".  Some still pics (Reuter/AP/...)  were shown later again and again but only in the next hours.  Never since. :( 

Around 15-16:00 hrs it got verry grim at the .... bridge. The forces (black dressed men) walked in formation towards the "protesters", shooting tear gas. A bus and a car were driven down as a barricade and Molotov cocktails (or so) were thrown to the forces who only went on steadily while shooting tear gas every 30 secs. After a (few) min(s) 4-5 men in disguise jumped on the bus and car and opened fire with automatic assault weapons on the forces.  (due to long distance tele pics I could not see what kind of arms, but the sound revealed "a kind of Kalischnikov" assault rifles. )  Then hell  brook lose:  a real shoot out with automatic weapons for at least a minute before also Aljazeera switched to another video source. (self censorship?)  Meanwhile CNN and others had already switched off the live video when the men in disguise started to shoot!  I had to leave at 17:00 but some 20 mins earlier the first iPhone pics/videos were coming in of people with shot wounds evacuated/ rushed into a house, hospital or other facility.  Innocent peacefully protesting civilians???  
The first pics were IMO very clear: people with a disguising cloth in front of their their faces and ammunition around their chest are NOT innocent civilians! 

Later that evening I saw many videos on many TV stations, showing some of those same, and other people (now without ammunition and masks) being so called innocent civilians???
 Yes, that was media stuff, going over and over again! :( 

 And then Obama, Merkel, others you name them; came with their statements condemning the military government, being outraged due to the violence used by forces agains innocent people!?  

Sorry.... Who am I ? Yes, I deed:  A disabled man who followed hours and hours the unfolding events on many channels simultaneous!  And yes, for sure: I have a bad short term memory when it's about names, words.... But I have a superb visual memory!  Absolutely sure.

None ever questioned me, but I did it myself: were those popping up pics during the live coverage actually from the same day and same place???  
Well.... I guess that one pic with a guy with ak42 in disguise was not!  Why? I think I saw it years ago in Gaza.  Of course, it could be somewhere in Egypt too! But with a Hamas emblem? :/ (It was shown on CNN late that -european- night again!) 
Another still from Reuter came up while the live video coverage switched to that mosque east o.t. Nile. But it did show a young guy with assault weapon shooting from that famous bridge onto the "black guys"!

So... Conclusion:
I'm the last one in favor of a military junta!  Yes, I am a democrat! So, when Hamas is democratically elected in Gaza... Not my choice. But: Hamas is likely not killing other Palestinians!!! 
Above all, I'm a silent atheist! Meaning: I don't believe in any god at all!  But as long as you wanna believe without forcing ME "to believe in YOUR GOD or go to the stake" ,  what did happened in this so called free Western countries not so long ago in history(!) , I really don't mind.
 And I'll attend all ceremonies according to the rituals without any hesitation. Hat up in the synagogue, hat off in the Christian churches, shoes out in a mosque or Buddhists  temple, giving hands or just not... where ever I am, I will always adapt to the religion, NOT NEVER to the country or politic regime! 
The Brotherhood was likely also democratically elected.  But... so was Hitler!  Yes, he was!!!  And according to my personal sources in Alexandria, Cairo and now somewhere very south Nile :  Christians, Atheists, LGBT and other *non Brotherhood people*, did fear for their lives last 12 months!  Churches have been incinerated one after the other last year.  Gay clubs have been assaulted or anyhow closed.  Not to speak of personal attacks or murders on gays who don't get the world media but are the worst ever personal murders.  And last but not least: The Brotherhood wants to install Sharia law and justice in Egypt  :/ is that what "we" democratic westerners want??? 

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