Four weeks of very dramatic events in the Arab world. Thanks to Aljazeera with 24/24 coverage and in depth journalism I feel exhausted due to lack of sleep. But it's worth following the events and comments.
How well are or were we informed? I found out so many new things and flabergasting facts that I have to admit: even as a well informed person, I knew very little! Of course I knew a lot on Human Rights and especially the lack of most rights in the Arab world. And for sure, we all know about the Midle-East conflickt. Mainly on Palestine and the Occupied part of Palestine and the civil war in Beyruth. Since the war in Irak we know that the USA got Saoudi Arabia and Bahrain as allies. Who doesn't know the face of Kolonel Gaddafi and his socialist republic of Libya and last but not least the feared regime in Iran. [This part was written the day before the first protest in Lybia!] During the 17 days of the Egypt protest some people were questioning the future. Mainly by fears for this Brotherhood that might steal the egypt revolution and turn it into a new Iran. And yes, that is still possible but IMO not very likely. The question I had was why are the US and the UK so reluctant to say something? Only in the last phase, President Obama and Hillary Clinton came up with the peoples demand for democracy and the need for Mubarak's resignation. And only just before the resignation, the Brittisch PM came with a short statement.
There was sommething od. Of course, after the Bush-Blair lies on Saddam's weapons of mass destuction, It was to be expected that they wouldn't fight to be the first to come up with strong opinions. I alreddy had the feeling that it was somewhat embarrassing to say something against the Mubarak regime that they have considered to be an allied partner, a friend. Nevertheless, something did not fit!
Question: What are the REAL Western interests or fears in the region? Stability in the Middle east? Oil? Weapon sales? And why is the western world dealing and wealing with dictators, likely even as evil as the former Yougoslavian dictators wanted or convicted for crimes of war? I have stated many times that this fingerpointing on Human Rights in China is as hypocrit as can be! Yes, the human rights were discussed - behind closed doors - but big $ deals is the turn out! ??? Sure, everyone says: "Oil of course! That's the western interest in the Arab world!" No daubts, the Kuwaity oil shut down in the the early 70's and the impact on world wide economy with barrel prices souring after that, are very likely an argument to keep everything smoothly and very diplomatic. But with the Bahrain awakening of the protest and when tear gass was massively used, Aljazeera (again) came up with an overvieuw of the Brittish weapon trade in the region. That is absolutely stunning. And of course, when those governments use those weapons against their own people, "we" are also very sad but "we" cannot be responsible for abuse by suddenly irrisponsible governments... But "We" benifitted from the huge profits on weapon deals. And indeed, the whole region is stuffed with weapons, tanks, tear gass, you name it!
Meanwhile the domino effect has evolved and Maroccan and Lybian governments are also under siege.
With the massacres in Benghazy and Tripoly last night and today, again I wondered why is every-one in the western world just holding his breath? But even before the first cassualties, Aljazeera came up with the Brittish, Italian and Frensh interests in Lybian oil, namely BP, Shell, ENI. But also again: weapons! I tought that the Lybian weapons were Russian of former USSR made. Nope! They have British, French (Mirage aircraft) European weaponnery. Even the Belgian FN (Fabrique Nationale Herstal) has stuffed Lybia with guns, rifles, .... and millions of amunition. Those FN deliveries were so called "restricted" for use in the UN mission in Darfur and there will be an investigation to see if any bullits found in Benghazi are indeed FN made. That's a great comfort for the deaths and their families! BTW It should now be called FW (Fabrique Wallone Herstal) It's no longer a National Belgian but a federated Walloon factory with Walloon responsibility for whatever deal. The more I'm searching (Wikipedia as important sourse after Aljazeera), the more I'm flabergasted. The cold was is over, former Yougoslavia war is over, Irak is more or less over and the weapon industry is still booming!
Now I have a question I couldn't find any evidence and likely only to be unvailed by WIKILEAKS: Are those billions of $ weapon trades done with big baggs filled with unmarked, unsed US $ notes? So... how is it transfered...? Coincidence? Why was there a need to keep those Banks alive with taxpayers money? For the poor man's savings? Or is it more likely that millions, if not billions were stuck at those banks between weapon manufactures and middle-east clients? Triodos bank CEO (or other guy)sugested something 3 years ago that half uncounsiously triggered my interest. Why Triodos bank was not in trouble? Becourse they they had no interests in foreign assets and trades they resent anyway. ? Meaning? But there wasn't a follow up question asked to be more specific. Later I read that they don't accept trades where i.e. weapons are involved.
My mortgage and stocks are ASN-bank NL Greenfund. But my daily bank is still a very well known Dutch bank saved by the Dutch government. Time to switch to TRIODOS bank NL. Used to be a savings only bank, recently a "normal" bank with ONE difference: their pledge and openness to the costumers and share holders: Green stocks and assets and NO weapons transfer money!
Yes I am relatively well informed on almost everything public and the differend opinions. Local, National, world wide. But when I wanna hit the bulls eye... I realise again and again, the more you find out, the less you knew.
Like I said, this is all new to me. I am not interested in weaponery, hate it actually, and didn't want to know anything about it. Now I am very interested. Especially since I cannot track the weapons money flow. (I'm just an amateur and only 4 days looking! But since the events are unfolding so rapidly, I had to publish my OPINIONS now.)
(for my old friends: like the "BijlmerKramp") You might wanna read about Triodos Bank?
To try to track money flows in weapons trade is as difficult if not impossible as tracking the funds terrorist groups receive for their activities. Very interesting but also, if you ask me, something for which you will need a lot of patience to solve the puzzle.
ReplyDeleteIt is quite embarrassing for the West, I think, those weapons trades with Middle East dictators.