Wednesday, May 19, 2010


(from Facebook) Ik heb nog steeds een writers block. Maar misschien moet ik dáár even over bloggen... ? (Having a writers block!)
Here is the rub: I have over XX stories, actualities and human problems buzzing in my head 24/24 keeping me out of sleep.  :(

What's REALLY important?
  1. My personal problems? (Many; NOT with Hans!)
  2. Almost civil war in Bangkok?
  3. Euro-zone tunnel vision?
  4. Partij voor de Vrijheid ads?
  5. Or... any Dutch political party ads and tv appearences????
  6. Or the Tripoli aircrash investigation who will covber-up the truth like in almost ALL crashes?
  7. All the dirty shitt the media - and thus "the people who read de Telegraaf" are talking about??????
  8. Not even mentioning Belgian politics seen by the Dutch who REALLY have NO clue att all!!!!
Who's reading my bloggs anyway? :( Okay, I will blogg and twitter this.

DAMNED!!! only half of this above can be posted [on facebook]  )cut) .... .and thus.... more or less bey-bey stupid facebook.

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